Energy Vampires in Your Throat Chakra

I was thinking about this the other day...

How many years we spend thinking our voice is our voice, but it's really a collection of voices and thoughts and fears that have been projected onto us over the years. A sort of collection of things other people wanted us to say or believe and things that they never had the courage to say themselves. 

And we can waste a lot of time believing those things are "our truth." When in reality, they have nothing to do with who we really are.

The Throat Chakra is probably my favorite of the chakras, only because I had to do the most amount of healing here and when I did, it was the most liberation I had ever felt. 

This is the energy center where we start to claim our own truth. It's where we say "I am this and I'm not that." A kind of declaration to the Universe of who we are.

It's also the energy center that creates everything we experience in life. When we speak from who we truly are, we create things that are aligned and good for...

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One Day You May Have to Figure Out Who You Are


There may be a day where you start to realize that you don't know who you are anymore.

A day where you don't know what it is that makes you happy or what you are here to do. 

One of those days where you feel lost & aren't really sure where to even start or what will help. 

These are the days where I think we tend to lose a little of our hope. 

Not realizing, that we've actually come to a point where, who we were, has been outgrown and who we are becoming is just not known yet. They are actually the days where we get to CHOOSE AGAIN who we want to be but sometimes we are so overwhelmed with all the possibilities that we feel frozen in place. 

As if we only get one chance to make this decision and not a hundred chances. 

The first time this happens can be the trickiest, because most our life we've grown up believing we were what everyone else told us we were or mirrored back to us. So, being able to choose again is a daunting task that we don't...

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What if, you aren't "special?"


At some point this thought probably ran through your head...

What if I'm not special?

Usually it happens at the very moment when you are about to step out and do something you haven't done before. You may have an idea brewing or have been working on something that you want to offer others ... heck, maybe it even stopped you in your tracks and you didn't even get as far as what you want to put out in the world!


What I know is that those of us who are here to work serving others or run our own business, can get stuck here and sometimes we never move. We weigh ourselves against everyone else out there, comparing our gifts & talents to theirs and never actually feel like what we have, IS special. 

Do you know the quickest way to shift that?

You can lead with HEART.

If you are focused on whether you have something special to offer people, you really tend to be in the energy of wondering if they will approve of you, love you & celebrate you....

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Being Vulnerable & Protected: How to Live Authentically & Not Be Afraid of Getting Hurt


It can be really hard to show up in the world in a vulnerable way...

& not be afraid that you are going to get hurt & that others won't let you down.


For most of us, this happens because we have some past experiences with being hurt or judged when we did show others a part of our truest selves. So little by little we learn to guard it and keep it tucked away where it will be safe but eventually we notice that it also keeps us from having the rich moments we long for or the connection we really want.


So the question is "how do we live unguarded and vulnerable, but feel safe at the same time?"

In this video I'm sharing what I've seen in working with my clients and my own life. It's not rocket science to show up this way but it does take faith and a whole lot of trust. It's a practice. It takes time to re-learn how to be safe showing up authentically.


I would love to know... where are you wanting to let your own guards down and show up more...

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Causes of Symptoms By Louise Hay

You can find her book Heal Your Body HERE

Abdominal Cramps: Fear. Stopping the process.
Abscess: Fermenting thoughts over hurts, slights and revenge.
Accidents: Inability to speak up for the self. Rebellion against authority. Belief in violence.
Aches: Longing for love. Longing to be held.
Acne: Not accepting the self. Dislike of the self.
Addictions: Running from the self. Fear. Not knowing how to love self.
Adrenal Problems: Defeatism. No longer caring for the self. Anxiety.
Alcoholism: Feeling of futility, guilt, inadequacy. Self-rejection.
Allergies: Denying your own power.
Alzheimer’s Disease: Refusal to deal with the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger.
Amenorrhea: Not wanting to be a woman. Dislike of the self.
Anemia: “Yes-but” attitude. Lack of joy. Fear of life. Not feeling good enough.
Ankle: Inflexibility and guilt. Ankles represent the ability to receive pleasure.
Anorexia: Denying the self life. Extreme fear, self-hatred and rejection.

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You Can Be Afraid to Jump & Still Blow Your Own Mind

I was thinking about this lately.

How many times in life we come up to that moment of wanting something new and realizing we have to take some action... but feeling so unsure of how to do it and if we are even qualified to do it. 

When I was a teenager I remember NEEDING to earn a downpayment for my car which equated to 50% of what I was buying it for and knowing that even though I had never earned that much money in one fell swoop... I had to figure it out. There was no other option honestly. 

At the time I had one talent that actually paid me based on my talent and not just how many hours I worked... I was also 16 so people were not super inclined to pay me a lot of money for my time. 

So I took my 1 talent and decided I was going to turn that talent into the money I needed, come hell or high water... I mean I had NO other option!

Know what that talent was? 

You probably would never guess this unless I told you, but it was Rug Hooking! A random craft I had...

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Getting to Know Your Spirit Guides

What do your Spirit Guides look like? Feel like?

Talking to Your Spirit Guides can be super simple!

They are always with you and ready to support you but you have to Ask! While they are here to help you in your life they also respect your right to make your own decisions and will never impose on you.

But, once you ask for their help & to receive messages or signs from them, they will deliver. Spirit Guides can also come in many forms. Some show up as Angels, Ancestors, Light Beings or Beings who have mastery or wisdom that is helpful to your own journey.

In this video I'm sharing a simple way to begin connecting with them and to get a "feel" for who they are. Once you have an idea of who they are, it typically becomes much easier to practice connecting but it is a muscle you have to strengthen!

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Empaths: Are you Exhausted from Caring?



The longer we travel into all of this change and having to make accommodations in our daily life, the less understanding and compassion we have for things that don't line up the way we want. The easier it is to simply  STOP CARING because you are so tired from always feeling other people's emotions.

As an Empath, it can feel like being fed up with everyone's feelings and opinion... you may have even thought,  "can everyone JUST SHUT UP? "

As a society we can be pretty good at rushing in when things fall apart to try and mend, or carry the load for others, but all of that helping can leave us individually exhausted and feeling unable to handle our own feelings. The need to HELP can cause us to get in this space where our compassion is DOA.

I've been seeing in sessions and even felt it myself when I'm out in the world. It's exhausting when you just want to do something you normally would and you can't and people are having such big...

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Learning How to Use Your Intuition

If you've been hanging around for a bit, you know we love talking about Intuition. It's one of the quickest ways to get clarity and direction about things going on in your life but learning how to use it can be a bit confusing when you first get started.

I'm here to help!

Sometimes it can seem like only "special" people have Intuitive Gifts or can do cool things like talk to spirit guides, spirit or "see" what is going to happen in the future. The truth is, we all have these abilities and sometimes it really is easier for others to use one or the other but you, yourself, you also have access to them, no matter how blocked they may feel right now.

No one is more special when it comes to the intuitive gift department.

Intuition is simply our willingness to KNOW what is true about ourselves and the world. It sounds easy enough but truth be told, we have so many beliefs and barriers in the way of seeing ourselves for who we truly are.

Growing your intuition is simply a matter...

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