One Day You May Have to Figure Out Who You Are

Jul 08, 2021


There may be a day where you start to realize that you don't know who you are anymore.

A day where you don't know what it is that makes you happy or what you are here to do. 

One of those days where you feel lost & aren't really sure where to even start or what will help. 

These are the days where I think we tend to lose a little of our hope. 

Not realizing, that we've actually come to a point where, who we were, has been outgrown and who we are becoming is just not known yet. They are actually the days where we get to CHOOSE AGAIN who we want to be but sometimes we are so overwhelmed with all the possibilities that we feel frozen in place. 

As if we only get one chance to make this decision and not a hundred chances. 

The first time this happens can be the trickiest, because most our life we've grown up believing we were what everyone else told us we were or mirrored back to us. So, being able to choose again is a daunting task that we don't always feel prepared for. 


But, if you are in this space now or some day in the future, let me give you a little tip that can help you navigate it with more ease. 

This place requires you to speak your truth to yourself. This isn't some fancy process of being spiritual but simply having honest conversations with yourself about who you want to become & what you would like to have from life. It's NOT qualifying your feelings with what is possible. It's about getting really honest about what hasn't worked, what you want more of & what you want to feel going forward.

It's the type of honesty that lays everything out on the table so you can see with clarity who you are. 


When you are in that place of not knowing who you are... you have to talk to yourself to find out. You have to get re-acquainted with all the pieces of yourself that you've outgrown, shed & healed because they have brought you to a place where you get to choose again. You get to create again & it's only through complete honesty with yourself that you will ever figure that out. 

So think of it as an invitation. The "not knowing" is simply the space that has opened up to get to know yourself again, in new ways. Practice being comfortable with the void that sometimes opens up to make room for the new & the invitation that this space brings to create anew.




And if you want support in navigating this space and these feelings, let's meet in session to support the journey: BOOK A SESSION


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