Healing the Inner Child

Tired of Feeling Like You’re Not Enough?
Or not safe?
Maybe you feel like you can't move past your childhood and that deep sense of not being loved or understood?
Your Inner Child is one of the most profound parts of who you are. It's where your Innocence, Creativity, Playfulness and sense of Wonder lives.
But oftentimes, as children, we grow up too fast or don't get what we need and that part of us carries the burden or trauma.
And then it plays out over and over again, even as adults. Holding us back from living our lives with joy & ease.
It's time to Heal the Wounds
With one-on-one guidance, energy work & a safe space for your Inner Child to be seen & heard.
Healing the Inner Child 3 Video Session Package
Learn how to disconnect from the noise around you and tune in to what's happening in your mind, body, and soul. We'll teach you how to:
- Heal your Inner Child Mind, Body & Spirit
- Receive Intuitive Coaching & Support
- Gain Clarity on the Beliefs & Feelings your Inner Child is truly holding & what they need to heal and move forward
It’s time to nurture yourself like never before.
**Package is for (3) 60 Min Live Video Sessions with me Personally

This is where we let your Inner Child speak.
In the first session we look at the core wound of your Inner Child & what they are holding onto in their feelings & beliefs that is making them unloved, unsafe or unworthy.
It's a chance to see things from the perspective of the Inner Child & use Energy Healing to release the emotions, trauma & beliefs that are causing them pain.
It's also an opportunity for your Inner Child to be witnessed and their feelings to be acknowledged.

This is where we help your Inner Child Feel Safe.
In the second session we look at your Nervous System and how safe and relaxed you feel in your body.
It's an opportunity to tune into your physical being through Energy Healing and see if there are blocks being held in the body that are causing you to feel disconnected, unsafe, triggered or even causing illness.
We can then use Energy Healing to help release and move those energies to create a deeper feeling of safety, presence and wellbeing.

This is where we empower your Inner Child.
In the third session we look you overall as a spiritual being. This is a chance to tune into your Chakras (energy systems) and see where you may be blocked or need extra support in order to feel more balance & confidence in your life.
Childhood Wounds tend to block us from showing up confident in who we are and in this session we will be using Energy Healing to release what may still be getting in the way and creating a plan for moving forward and using what you've gathered and healed through the 3 Sessions.
As a child you may have experienced traumatic or stressful experiences, you may have not always had your needs met or you simply never felt like you could be yourself.
Energy Healing allows us to identify the feelings and experiences you had as a child that you are still holding onto and release them.
That means, the experiences no longer have to exist in your body, mind or spirit as emotional triggers.
It gives you space to exhale, feel safe & choose again what you want to believe about yourself and the world.

I'm an Energy Healer and Intuitive.
I started this journey because of my own healing and struggle with PTSD.
When I started on this path, it was so important to me that the healing get to the root of what I was feeling and had been holding onto for so long. I didn't want just a band-aid to cover things up but true healing that helped me feel whole again.
I wanted to be supported and healed Mind, Body & Spirit that way it was lasting.
That's how I came into Energy Work. It takes into account ALL of you, not just a part of you and helps you find harmony within yourself.
To me, that was life changing.
"“I was first drawn to the Emotion Code with Aspen 3 years ago. I was not feeling very well at all but mostly feeling stuck and depressed not knowing how to move forward at age 60. I remember asking myself “Is this as good as it gets?”
In just that first session I experienced such a sense of relief in my physical and mental wellbeing that I immediately set up more sessions.
Sheryl M.
"Let me just say with the biggest and loudest- THANK YOU! You helped me create the next part of my life.
And I mean is there a thank you that is fitting for this? I don't know."
Allison R.
If you've tried other approaches and can't seem to get to the root of what is holding you back then this is for you.
This is different from other Inner Child work because we get the opportunity to see EXACTLY what your holding onto from childhood and heal it from the root.
It requires you to be open and present with any feelings that may come up but you never have to share beyond what feels safe for you to do so.
That's the beauty of this modality, you can receive healing without having to re-live what feels to heavy to do so.

If you are new to Energy Healing or Intuitive Coaching, I am always happy to answer any additional questions via email: [email protected]
How Does It Work?
What is Energy Healing?
Do we have to be in the same State?
How long do I have to Schedule?
What is Intuitive Coaching?
What is Included?