Anytime we feel like our heart will break or that we can't get through something... we have the potential to build a Heartwall.
Essentially, the Heartwall is a layer of protection that we build up around our hearts to keep ourselves safe. In those moments where we feel unsafe, unloved or heartbroken, we pull in our unhealed emotions and begin to build this layer of protection around our hearts to keep us from feeling the pain.
A lot of us (especially empaths) build them as children to protect ourselves from our emotions and the overwhelming feelings that come from not knowing how to deal with them.
And then year by year, experience by experience we build this layer of protection thicker and thicker around our hearts, numbing us out to our feelings (along with the good emotions) and putting a barrier up in our relationships making it hard to find authentic connection and feel loved.
There are 5 Major Childhood Experiences that set us up to build a Heartwall.
...Ahhh the Heartwall!
You know I feel as passionate about releasing the Heartwall as I do about letting go of Money Blocks. The Heartwall is probably the single most important energy work you can do to get back to who you are and what you want to create in life.
If the Heartwall is new to you feel free to check out Heartwall 101 info HERE and Info on the Heartwall and Heart Chakra HERE to understand the juicy work we are about to do!
The Heartwall short and sweet is your armor against the world. It’s how we self protect the most vulnerable part of ourselves from being broken or injured from life. Think about that piece of yourself that might be buried way down in your safest place, the part of you that still believes in miracles, people, yourself & the beauty in life. This is the part of you that is protected by the Heartwall. This is where we feel most vulnerable & unprotected.
We create this wall because the idea of...
Have you ever felt like you couldn't really connect to the good feelings & great life you KNOW you were meant to create?
The Heartwall is a very particular layer of energy that we build around the Heart anytime that we feel like it's going to break and we won't be able to survive. It is formed in the moments when we feel too vulnerable & unprotected.
Little by little we take the unprocessed emotions we are holding onto and build this layer of protection around the heart. Adding inch by inch over the years to keep ourselves safe. Being able to identify and release those emotions can be lifechanging. It is the invitation to show up in your life more authentically as yourself & to be able to truly connect with the people and experiences that light you up. Below are some of the ways that the Heartwall can impact you.
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