Are You Afraid to Have More Money in Your Life?

Are you feeling super frustrated because you've tried and tried to manifest more money in your life but can't seem to make it happen?

Or, maybe you know you aren't earning enough but don't feel like you deserve more...even though you really want more?

Each of has a particular amount of Money that we are actually comfortable having. A kind of ceiling that we place on how much money feels safe, attainable and that we feel worthy of.... it's called our Upper Limit. 

This Upper Limit is formed by your family beliefs, your childhood, your community and of course your limiting beliefs. So as you go about trying to manifest more Money into your life, this limit comes into play. There may be times when you shoot above this limit but inevitably something will always bring you back down into this safety zone that your subconscious has created. 

For example, have you earned or had a big chunk of money come into your life that was more than you normally have and all of the sudden you...

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Your Heartwall & Money

Ahhh the Heartwall!

You know I feel as passionate about releasing the Heartwall as I do about letting go of Money Blocks. The Heartwall is probably the single most important energy work you can do to get back to who you are and what you want to create in life. 

If the Heartwall is new to you feel free to check out Heartwall 101 info HERE and Info on the Heartwall and Heart Chakra HERE to understand the juicy work we are about to do!


The Heartwall short and sweet is your armor against the world. It’s how we self protect the most vulnerable part of ourselves from being broken or injured from life. Think about that piece of yourself that might be buried way down in your safest place, the part of you that still believes in miracles, people, yourself & the beauty in life. This is the part of you that is protected by the Heartwall. This is where we feel most vulnerable & unprotected. 

We create this wall because the idea of...

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Using Feminine & Masculine Energy to Manifest

Oh, sweet, sweet Balance

There’s a special type of power that comes from finding the perfect balance of Feminine and Masculine Energy when you are Manifesting.  It’s the ability to create & put it out into the world & simultaneously ask for what you need in return. The ease that comes from this type of balance is from being able to tap into the magic of both energies & harness them to create what you want.

This is one of those AMAZING insights your Subconscious can give with muscle testing on how WELL you are using energy to Manifest. Ideally we want a balance of 50% Feminine & 50% Masculine Energy to be able to create what we want. A lot of times though, we are using one energy more than the other or we have a combination of these energies plus Undirected Energy. That Undirected Energy is energy that needs channeled into the appropriate form, otherwise its just a bunch of chaotic energy messing with our manifesting and throwing the Feminine &...

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The 6 Fears of Manifesting

What are the 6 Major Fears?

Ever wondered why you can be making progress & working towards your goals but there’s still something that keeps hitting the PAUSE button? Something that keeps you from doing the things you know you need to in order to reach that dream? At the root of that is an Emotional Fear that something terrible is going to happen. It’s a combination of your Abundance Block & the Fear of Getting what you really want.

There are 6 Main Fears that rear their ugly head when you are trying to Manifest and make changes in your life. These are particularly obvious when you are working on being a truly Authentic version of yourself that lines up with your Purpose. You tend to have one major Fear that blocks you from doing what it necessary to get what you want but you can have other secondary ones that play off of it. For the purpose of Manifesting we are going to focus on how the Major Fear shows up and what they look like in everyday life.

1. Fear of...

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Manifesting with Your Emotions: Feeling is a Superpower!

Did You Know Your Ability to FEEL is Directly Related to Your Ability to Manifest

Burned Out, Overwhelmed & Numbed Out are the ultimate killer of your ability to Manifest or Create anything you want in this life. Unfortunately, they are also very common feelings for most people. So what leads to this intense state of the Manifesting Kill Zone?

By now you are familiar with Trapped Emotions and the blocks they cause so let me give you a bit more info on how they contribute to stopping you from Abundance.

Time for the Frequency Talk

Our subtle bodies are designed optimally to operate at 528Hz. This is the frequency of the Heart and when we are in that frequency we are reacting to life from a place of Love. We aren’t bogged down by emotional baggage or fears. We can still be fully aware of those areas of weakness but they aren’t making decisions for us. We are making decisions based on what truly “feels good” to our soul. This is the magical crux of...

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Creating an Abundance Mindset: Identify the Patterns Blocking You

Abundance Mindset

Most of the time when we hear people speaking about Emotional Blocks in relation to Abundance or Wealth we get a super vague sense of what the issues could be. Yeah, our family wasn’t the perfect model of Wealth & Success but there’s only so much digging into your family history & journaling you can do before you go “WTF!” You really need solid answers and absolute direction in order to really untangle your Money Story. Not a half baked plan for vision boarding your way to greatness… no offense Vision Boards… you are a tool but not true healing.

3 Major Blocks

 If you’ve read my other post on  EMOTIONS & BLOCKS then you are familiar with the 3 Main Types of Abundance Blocks we can identify with Muscle Testing: Generational, Trauma & Karmic. Think of these as the foundation of your Abundance Mindset. You may have all 3 contributing to your current State of Abundance but there will always...

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