Video: Why We Trap More Emotions at Age 6

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What Happens When a Curse, Spirit or Entity Attaches to You?

Energetic Weapons are some of the most fascinating wounds to talk about. We see them played out in movies, bed time stories and we even talk about them in our everyday language but how do you know what is actually true on the energetic & spiritual plane?

Gather round the blogosphere campfire and let’s break down how they show up in the Emotion Code/Body Code & what it actually looks like for you in your every day life.


These are more commonly thought of as ghosts. These energetic beings were once alive as a human and experienced life as we know it. Now the common misconception is that when we die all of the unresolved emotions and trauma from this life just get erased and the spirit becomes enlightened and all knowing. Unfortunately, that is not the case. When we pass we don’t get a “Get Out of Jail Free” card just because we are no longer in the land of the living. What we do get is an opportunity to do more work from a different level and...

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2019 Re-Post: Leveling Up & How to Crush Your Goals

It’s that time of year…

Resolutions. Goals. New Year. New You.

But how do you plan for a New Year when those words don’t spark any type of fire in your belly?

So many times we use New Year’s Resolutions as a form of punishment against what we didn’t accomplish the year before. This year let’s work towards something that actually FEELS better and a journey that is actually FUN! No more dredging up forms of self inflicted punishment. What if this year could be about testing what feels good and getting rid of what doesn’t? I would sign up for that… cuz I’m sure not signing up for another year of restrictions and self inflicted punishment. #pass

#1 It’s all about Leveling Up

A new set of goals should never be about what you didn’t do, who you aren’t  or how you missed the mark. New goals should be about how you can Grow & Level Up in your life. Switching the way you view goals from a mindset of...

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How Your Emotions Cause Weight Gain

Have you ever though about how being the “Perfect” weight can almost be more good than you can handle….

If you’ve already seen the Video on Weight & Emotions you know how closely the Emotions we’ve trapped are causing us to hold weight in order to feel safe but what if you are actually AFRAID to lose weight & don’t realize it?

(Check out the Video on Weight & Emotions HERE)


Think about it…

We all have several major areas in our life that we are constantly idealizing like a movie in our heads… Our Relationships, Our Bodies, Our Money & Our Career (Purpose.) Imagine you could push a button and each of those areas could instantly transform into the vision you see inside your head. Really think about this. What if right now you instantly had that dream relationship, perfectly fit body, more wealth than you honestly need and you were completely living your dream career and being acknowledged for the amazing...

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Your Heartwall & Money

Ahhh the Heartwall!

You know I feel as passionate about releasing the Heartwall as I do about letting go of Money Blocks. The Heartwall is probably the single most important energy work you can do to get back to who you are and what you want to create in life. 

If the Heartwall is new to you feel free to check out Heartwall 101 info HERE and Info on the Heartwall and Heart Chakra HERE to understand the juicy work we are about to do!


The Heartwall short and sweet is your armor against the world. It’s how we self protect the most vulnerable part of ourselves from being broken or injured from life. Think about that piece of yourself that might be buried way down in your safest place, the part of you that still believes in miracles, people, yourself & the beauty in life. This is the part of you that is protected by the Heartwall. This is where we feel most vulnerable & unprotected. 

We create this wall because the idea of...

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Processing After a Session

Releasing emotions can be an amazing feeling. You can instantly feel that anxiety decrease, the grief that was gripping your heart loosen or even that stabbing pain in your back let up….but… there will be times where you release emotion and you don’t immediately feel better. In fact there will be times when you actually feel tired or worn out and that’s completely normal, but it can be confusing if you aren’t aware of what is going on in your body.

When we live every day with Emotional Blocks in our body we learn how to navigate around them. They form physical discomfort, we learn to sit different. They form allergies, we stop eating certain foods. They create fears, we avoid those fears & create stories as to why those fears are real. Every time these emotional blocks are triggered our body has a physical response to releasing certain hormones into our system. This is uncomfortable and stressful for us because it creates anxiety, illness, even...

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Frustration is Just a Cover

Notice lately how much harder it’s been to move ahead in life? The energy of this past month has triggered a lot of Frustration & Rejection in our mindsets and for good reason. It’s trying to get you to look at the bigger picture. It’s telling you to stop getting in your own way. To find new tools, to let yourself be vulnerable and yes, to even ask for help. 

Sounds easy but it most definitely isn’t. The problem with finding out our old tools don’t work is that we usually haven’t created new ones so we are left a bit stranded and confused. We know we need to move forward but we have no idea how and the ways we used to trudge ahead no longer work… like at all! 

Enter the major Emotion of this part in your Journey… Frustration.  Yuck, right? No one wants to feel that when it comes to Love, Family or Money. It is really just the epitome of everything we DON’T want to feel. So let’s re-write that....

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Empaths: How to Protect Your Energy

Ever feel drained by a person or experience? Or maybe you feel exhausted even thinking about having to deal with a particular situation in your life?

With all of the planetary and energetic changes the Earth is experiencing right now it’s crucial to have tools that help you call back your energy so you can identify instantly what energetic connections area supporting you and which are draining you.

Your ability to nurture, direct and protect your energy is directly related to how you experience life. Who wouldn’t want to learn how to manage that better!

Imagine you were given this glass bowl full of different colored sparkling marbles. Now imagine that all of these marbles represent pieces of your energy. You have complete control over these marbles. You can give these marbles away to anyone or situation you want. You are in control.

Now let’s say your rotten terrible sister in law who looks like a dragon comes over to celebrate your kid’s birthday. While...

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