2019 Re-Post: Leveling Up & How to Crush Your Goals

Oct 04, 2020

It’s that time of year…

Resolutions. Goals. New Year. New You.

But how do you plan for a New Year when those words don’t spark any type of fire in your belly?

So many times we use New Year’s Resolutions as a form of punishment against what we didn’t accomplish the year before. This year let’s work towards something that actually FEELS better and a journey that is actually FUN! No more dredging up forms of self inflicted punishment. What if this year could be about testing what feels good and getting rid of what doesn’t? I would sign up for that… cuz I’m sure not signing up for another year of restrictions and self inflicted punishment. #pass

#1 It’s all about Leveling Up

A new set of goals should never be about what you didn’t do, who you aren’t  or how you missed the mark. New goals should be about how you can Grow & Level Up in your life. Switching the way you view goals from a mindset of “missing the mark” to a mindset of “look how much closer I am” is SO POWERFUL! It breaks that cycle of Self Abuse and allows you the chance to pat yourself on the back and be PROUD! Ain’t nothing wrong with being proud of how far you’ve come!

#2 Stop the Trash Talk

I know, this can be hard when you are a Type A overachiever, when you grew up in a family of critics or when you learned early on that your usefulness had a direct correlation to the “love” you received. It’s gonna be ok. The easiest way to break those habits that are so deeply ingrained is to notice where they are coming up and how you are playing them out. You’ve heard me say it a hundred time but once more for those in the back…. CLARITY is the key to any change you want to make. If you can identify the moments in your day where the need to be perfect or self criticize are coming up then you break that cycle. You do not deserve to be battered by harsh words that crush your confidence, hurt your spirit and make you feel less than you are. Stop allowing yourself to take trash talk from other people as well as yourself. You are amazing. End of Story.


#3 Goals Should Feel Good

Look at your goals. Do they feel good? No? Kick it to the curb! Yes? Pour your love into it. If your goals or dreams make you feel like crap and that you are a failure OR if they are so harsh that they push you emotionally and physically into forms of self punishment… STOP! Those are not goals. That is called torture my friends. You do not deserve that. Your goals for the year should feel Empowering, Expansive & Loving (to yourself.) If you know you want to lose weight but the idea of joining Weight Watchers crushes your soul then reframe it. Maybe the year would be exciting if you could run a 5K, Learn how to Ballroom Dance or get yoga certified. Goals with soul and growth built into them will carry you much further and distract you from the work at hand because they will fill you up in ways that “Lose 20lbs” never will. Find the heart in the goal and nurture that and WHO you need to become to achieve it.

#4 Who do You Need to Become?

Carrying that thought over. Goals and growth are about BECOMING. It’s a process of growing into the person your soul needs to be. Not getting rid of who you are or finding your faults. Goals force us to learn new things, experience discomfort, increase our mental grit, find our power & stand out in front of others. Think about losing weight for example. In order to get to your fitness goal you will need to learn new skills at the gym, in the kitchen, in your wardrobe… yup that’s right. Ever thought about what happens after you actually lose that weight? I’m sure you’ve dreamed of buying new clothes but actually dressing this new body is a learning curve. You have to learn how to clothe yourself in a way that feels comfortable and confident. Maybe you even have to find new clothing stores and that is a learning curve! It can even be uncomfortable and trigger “Imposter Syndrome” if you are finally shopping in stores that you previously didn’t. These are all the little moments of expansion and growth that can trigger discomfort and derail us that we usually don’t even notice. Imposter Syndrome is real! It gets us all the time. Learn to be ok being uncomfortable so that you can become WHO you need to be.


#5 Don’t Judge What You Want

You want it for a reason. That reason is that life offers us so many experiences and we are here to try them out. Whatever it is that you dream of is OK for you to want. Allow yourself the opportunity to acknowledge what is really there in your heart and write it down. Putting pen to paper is powerful because energetically it’s you acknowledging that the dream exists and the version of you that has accomplished that dream is already energetically present, just allow it come to you. When we censor our dreams or downplay them into a more “realistic” version we do ourselves a disservice. We are not here in this amazing experience of life to play small. We are here to create and we have forgotten that its our right to be able to create the life WE want, not what others tell us is possible. Dream a little bigger friends and be unabashed about what you want. Let this year be the year you are BOLD with what you ask for.


If you can’t tell I’m super passionate about reaching for those big dreams. I’ve had many of them come into my life and many of the still waiting in the wings for the moment I grow into the person and skillset I need to accomplish them. One thing I do when I become laser focused on a dream is to ask the universe for the opportunities to learn what I need to accomplish them. Sometimes it’s educations, sometimes it’s facing a fear and other times it’s simply trying to reach it before I feel ready. Some dreams take longer than others. Some come super quick. The thing is, whatever dream you have you have to be a container that is capable of managing it. If you ask for a million dollars but your only capable of holding $400 then you have to find ways to increase your container. Ask the universe for help finding ways to grow to be the container you need to be and accept the challenge when it presents itself. I can promise you this year will change you in so many ways if you can shift into growing as opposed to changing.




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