2019 Re-Post: Leveling Up & How to Crush Your Goals

It’s that time of year…

Resolutions. Goals. New Year. New You.

But how do you plan for a New Year when those words don’t spark any type of fire in your belly?

So many times we use New Year’s Resolutions as a form of punishment against what we didn’t accomplish the year before. This year let’s work towards something that actually FEELS better and a journey that is actually FUN! No more dredging up forms of self inflicted punishment. What if this year could be about testing what feels good and getting rid of what doesn’t? I would sign up for that… cuz I’m sure not signing up for another year of restrictions and self inflicted punishment. #pass

#1 It’s all about Leveling Up

A new set of goals should never be about what you didn’t do, who you aren’t  or how you missed the mark. New goals should be about how you can Grow & Level Up in your life. Switching the way you view goals from a mindset of...

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