What if, you aren't "special?"


At some point this thought probably ran through your head...

What if I'm not special?

Usually it happens at the very moment when you are about to step out and do something you haven't done before. You may have an idea brewing or have been working on something that you want to offer others ... heck, maybe it even stopped you in your tracks and you didn't even get as far as what you want to put out in the world!


What I know is that those of us who are here to work serving others or run our own business, can get stuck here and sometimes we never move. We weigh ourselves against everyone else out there, comparing our gifts & talents to theirs and never actually feel like what we have, IS special. 

Do you know the quickest way to shift that?

You can lead with HEART.

If you are focused on whether you have something special to offer people, you really tend to be in the energy of wondering if they will approve of you, love you & celebrate you....

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Soul Purpose: Which Path Are You On?

Your Soul Purpose is this incredible blueprint that shows you who you intended to be in this lifetime and what your absolute highest potential is. It holds the talents, wisdom, inspiration & growth that your Soul is showing up for every single day. When you know with Clarity what that is, you show up with Intention and everything in your life begins to unfold in a miraculous way.

Soul Purpose is where your greatest gifts meet your greatest lessons so you can reach your own Highest Potential.

As you start to dive into the question of "What am I here to experience in this life" there are a couple of themes you can look out for. Most of us are on a journey that falls into one or more of these major categories but how you carry it can look completely different from the next person. Use this simple guide to see which ones you feel most called to. Some you will know are personal and work that you are meant to do simply for yourself and others you will feel called to help others...

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