How to Process Heavy Emotions: A Toolbox for Healing

There are going to be days that you just can’t get yourself moving. You feel exhausted physically & emotionally. You’re tired of working through things, you’re tired of healing, you just want to lay in bed or quit altogether. No matter how much healing you do these days are bound to happen. 

First thing you want to do when you feel this happening is check in with your body on a few key things:

  1. Are you breathing? Can you breathe deeper? Breathing for 4 counts in and 4 counts out is a natural flow for your body and focusing on this will help you to balance your organs and allow them to receive the oxygen they need to help you process what you are feeling. 
  2. Are you wearing your shoulders as earrings? Shoulders don’t belong up at your ears so check in to see if they have risen like the great Flood and gently bring them back down. Our shoulders carry our burdens in life so scan them with your eyes closed to see what burdens come to mind and breathe...
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6 Way to Release Trapped Emotions

If you’ve done any type of Energy Work you’ve more than likely run across the concept of past trauma & experiences creating blocks or illness in your present life. But how exactly does this work? How does something you aren’t even thinking about create trouble for you today?


Imagine for example that when you were young there was a moment where you felt like you really needed something that only someone else could provide for you, for instance food or comfort, but because your parents didn’t notice this or didn’t provide it you felt “ashamed” for needing it in the first place. Now, your parents may have just been busy or chose not to give you what you needed but if you didn’t fully process the feeling of being “ashamed” and instead pushed it aside it could  become trapped in your energetic body. As a result of trapping it, the emotion of “Shame” and the low frequency it has are now ringing...

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