Frequency 101: Understanding Your Frequency & Vibration

If you are new to Frequency or just want refresher on the Ancient Solfeggio Scales, this is a great place to start! Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about Frequency!

What do we mean by Frequency?

Frequency is the measurement of your body’s vibration. Because you are made of energy you are constantly vibrating. You have a physical vibration and a subtle body vibration. The physical body’s vibration can tell you if you are in a healthy range physically, that is free from illness or dis-ease OR if you are creeping close to a lower vibration that is setting the stage for illness or dis-ease. There have been studies done to test the healthy range of the body which is between 62-72 Hz. Anything that goes below 62 Hz begins to set the stage for a lowered immune system and potential for illness or dis-ease.

In our work, we measure the Subtle Body’s vibration. This is much higher than that of the physical body and reflects a much broader picture of where...

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10 Ways to Improve Your Frequency & Raise Your Vibration

Why Do Frequencies Matter?

One day we’re talking about Emotions and the next we make a quick turn to Frequencies…. Are you confused yet? The good news is that they go Hand in Hand and being aware of how they work together can help you understand why you feel crappy when you have negative emotions & how to quickly change things into a better feeling state.

Let’s jump right in! You have probably heard the saying “Everything is Energy” and are kind of like “Yeah, Yeah, Tesla, Einstein & all that Sciency Stuff.” But did you know that your Body, being the amazing being that it is, has a specific Frequency it vibrates at to maintain it’s optimal health? That range is between 62-68MHz. If your Frequency drops below that you start to get ill.

So how do Emotions affect this balance of Frequency in your Body?

Well interestingly enough, each Emotion has its own specific Frequency. So for instance, when you experience Shame (20MHz) you...

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