Understanding the Heart Chakra


The Heart Chakra is the 4th Chakra in the 7 System Chakra System and helps to connect the lower 3 Chakras with the upper 3 Chakras (it’s kind of a like an energetic bridge!) It is considered the center of love and regulates our relationships, self care, emotions and our ability to balance our needs & desires with those of others.

When this powerful center is balanced you feel a sense of “wholeness” that allows you to “follow your heart” which means you are able to live from a higher place instead of from need or compulsion. When you are living from a place of balance within this chakra you find it easier to establish healthy boundaries, identify what you want from life & your connection to others is more fulfilling & healthy.


When the Heart Chakra is imbalanced you may notice that you are unable to identify your own needs, dreams or desires for your life. Imbalances can...

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The Heartwall vs. Heart Chakra

If the Heart Chakra is considered the Empress of the Chakras then the Heartwall is basically the cage you build around it. Energetically you have every intention of keeping it nice and safe inside this cage but all you really do is suffocate it & block it from being able to give you the guidance & joy you need in life.

(More info on the Heartwall HERE)

When it comes to the Chakras, the Heart Chakra is one of the most powerful energies you can tap into to find your purpose, live joyfully & be Divinely Guided. It’s more powerful than the brain and functions solely to help you tap into what you REALLY want from life…. like crystal clear, no doubt about it, life rocks kind of info. This is why it is so important to make sure you’ve released your Heartwall. If you’re familiar with the Heartwall you know that one of the 5 symptoms is Numbing Out Emotions which in turn makes it hard to find your Purpose and therefor missing your greatest sources of...

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