What is Your Abundance Archetype?



Have you ever thought about what Archetype might be influencing your Abundance Vibration?

Archetypes are these incredible patterns held in our collective consciousness that help us understand ourselves a bit better. They give us a range... the Shadow shows us where our vibration is Low or being held up by unlearned lessons and the Light Side shows us how we can reach our Highest Vibration and Manifest more easily!

It's a beautiful way to understand the roles your Soul is exploring and how you can focus in order to raise your vibration & attract Abundance.

There are 6 Major Archetypes that can impact you, the Queen, Martyr, Romantic, Creative/Artist, Fool & Magician. Which one are you?

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Using Divine Feminine Archetypes in Everyday Life


What would it feel like for YOU to really tap into the Feminine Qualities that make you, your most powerful? To see your strengths and really be able to appreciate the amazing woman that you are? We spend a large part of our life being molded & conformed to other people’s emotional trauma and pain. Fitting into their little box of safety so we don’t trigger everyone. If you’re here reading this you know that way of living doesn’t work anymore. It’s soul crushing. Not soul expanding. We need Expansion. We inherently deserve expansion.

Feminine Energy is this really amazing energy. It creates, nurtures, protects & has the ability to show strength while being concerned for the whole. It’s single desire is for everyone’s soul to be able to birth it’s dreams. To feel fulfilled. All women are capable of tapping into these incredible qualities and by breaking down the different Feminine Archetypes we all carry we...

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