Understanding the Third Eye

Oct 04, 2020


The Third Eye is the 6th of the 7 Chakra System which governs your Sensory Vision as well as your Spiritual Vision. It’s within this energy center that you will find the Intuitive Gifts that are most frequently talked about: Clairvoyance, Prophecy, Energy Healing etc. From this center we are able to receive guidance from the Higher Self that helps us to make choices that are aligned with the Soul.

When the Third Eye is balanced we find it easy to act upon the Spiritual Beliefs that we hold to be true without being influenced by the people, cultures or structures around us. This allows us to live from a place of alignment that is open to receiving guidance in the moment of any situation.

When this center is balanced we are able to tune into our guidance & access those Intuitive “Knowings” about how to proceed, what is true, or what the big picture is. From this energy you are accessing the spiritual plane in order to break through any illusion that may be happening on the physical plane. This is essentially where we all have the ability to become a “See-er” living from strong Intuition.


When the Third Eye is imbalanced you may notice that is hard or even impossible to figure out what you want from life. This stops a lot of people from connecting with their Purpose & Talents. It can also create difficulty concentrating, obsessiveness, delusions, nightmares, inability to see the obvious, denial, chaos, codependency, difficulty planning ahead, memory loss & even anxiety.


This is a fear that can hamper the Third Eye. This could mean that you are afraid to see the Truth in a situation (not trusting your guidance), that you are afraid to use your Spiritual Gifts for Fear of what others might think/say/do, or that you don’t have trust in your own abilities.

When we experience situations where others punish or shame us for standing out or using our gifts we can learn to shut down this energy center. Sometimes it’s because it kept us safe to do so and that can be challenging to re-write that feeling of Unsafety in your body. Other times it can be because they belittled or shamed us for even believing in them in the first place. When this happens we can start to doubt our own knowing and guidance, giving others the power to decide for us.

Feeling safe enough to stand in your gifts & trust them comes with work. It will undoubtedly trigger emotions, fears & experiences along the way but the more you allow those experiences and beliefs to be healed the stronger your ability to use this energy center will become.

* Headaches
*Vision Problems
*Neurological Issues
*Sinus Issues
*Brain Issues
*Pituitary Gland Imbalances
*Issues in the Ears or Nose


One of the areas most connected to the Third Eye in terms of the work I do is around Spiritual Gifts. Our own unique gifts can vary wildly and change as we grow more into who we are and strengthen our own trust in them.

Regardless of the particular gift that is special to you, we use the gifts of the Third Eye to see TRUTH in a situation. This is how we are able to determine what serves us, how we feel about something, what we want & how to proceed. This guidance may come in the form of images, dreams, knowings, reading cards or the I-ching, Color, Sound or a thousand other ways. Depending on how we are designed & how are own gifts play out this can look any number of ways BUT the ultimate effect is that we receive Truth in any situation so we know how best to proceed.


When we clear the Third Eye in a session some of the most common areas we look at are Fear around Being Seen, Family Beliefs, Good vs Bad & Feeling Worthy/Good Enough.

Most of our beliefs around using our Spiritual Gifts can get tied up in what we are taught is Right or Wrong about using them and what the consequences of that area. This can include family beliefs, religious beliefs or your own experiences that still need some resolution to see what actually feels good to you. This looks different for each person.

When it comes to being seen, it can feel unsafe to be seen as someone who uses their gifts. Either because of the judgement of others or because you feel it might make you look less credible. This work is about being able to trust in who you are and stand in that truth in such a way that you feel confident in your choice to use your gifts.

Clearing the Third Eye is as simple as the Other Emotion Code work and can be done in a regular Session.

The Fun Stuff
Schedule A Session to Clear Any Imbalances HERE
Third Eye Chakra Color: Indigo
Frequency: 741-852Hz 
Toning Chant: OM
Area: Brain, Eyes, Pituitary Gland, Neurological System, Sinuses, Hypothalamus, Aspects of the Ears, Nose & Pineal Gland


50% Complete

Two Step

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