Understanding the Solar Plexus

Oct 04, 2020


The Solar Plexus is the Third Chakra in the 7 Chakra System & governs the energies that maintain your identity. How you see yourself and the roles you play are developed within the powerful energy center. It is impacted by family patterns & trauma as well as your community. This is the Chakra that determines how safe it is to show up as yourself.

When the Solar Plexus is balanced you find it easy to show up as yourself, take logical steps forward in your life & are able to tap into your willpower to make things happen. It’s a very sophisticated energy that helps you flow in the direction you want with confidence in who you are.


When there are imbalances in this Chakra, it can be hard to show people who you truly are, you might feel afraid of going against your culture or familial norms & may feel a lack of motivation or love for your life. These imbalances can keep you stuck, feeling Helpless & unable to move forward. Part of the reason for this is that the Solar Plexus is connected heavily to your emotional body because of the organs it governs. This means that when your identity is feeling threatened it’s going to pull up the emotional triggers entwined with your identity, ego & fears amplifying any unresolved blocks you may have there
(your own or inherited.)


The Solar Plexus is the seat of our Identity. This is how we view ourselves and our role in the world. It could be as simple as the role of “Mother,” “Artist,” “Healer” or something more negative like “Failure,” “Unhealthy,” or “Victim.” When this chakra is out of balance we tend to identify with less powerful roles and identities. These identities don’t embody who we truly are triggered more from our fears & beliefs that limit us.

Once we have these roles (no matter how unsavory they might be) we tend to find comfort in being seen that way. We learn how to play it safe within these roles even if they don’t serve us. Once we learn how to not be judged, seen or criticized within these roles it can be hard to break the pattern for a more empowered role.

Breaking the pattern to chose a new identity or experience for yourself means facing all of the things that are keeping you playing small… family beliefs, your own experiences, emotional patterns & cultural norms. For most of us, this means going against the grain and being strong standing in our new story, even if others don’t agree.


Lack of Motivation plays directly into the identities we associate with. When we are choosing to live from identities that don’t fill our soul we lose our motivation to create, enjoy life, build our dreams and engage with other people. It makes complete sense… it’s exhausting to never fully show up as yourself, to never be able to express how you see the world, what you dream about & who you want to grow into.

At some point, you stop putting energy into the roles that don’t serve you and it feels like you are losing your zest for life. What your soul is really craving is to experience the things that align with who you truly are, not the mask you have been wearing.


It’s worth mentioning that the Solar Plexus governs more organs than any other Chakra & these organs are heavily connected to your emotional body. Below are a few important organs and their significance to the Solar Plexus & Emotional Body:

Detects & releases things that are toxic to you physically & emotionally. The Liver is responsible for planning & overseeing our path in life.

Responsible for clearing Fear, Disappointment & Criticism. They are affected by constantly pushing ourselves & allowing other’s criticism to affect us.

These organs govern the center of our Emotional Life by acting as a connection between our Physical & Emotional Body, allowing information to flow back and forth. We also tend to hold a record of long held fears in these organs around who we feel we need to be.


Typically when you work on clearing the Solar Plexus it’s a mix of clearing your own fears about Being Seen & Showing Up authentically along with clearing expectations others have for you. It can be very liberating to clear this chakra as it allows you the opportunity to create forward movement in your life where once you might have been blocked. Typically during a session we will test the % in balance the Chakra is and then work to break down and release the beliefs or experiences that are holding it in place. This allows you to stand more powerfully in who you are and take steps forward towards who you truly want to be!


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