Spiritual Tools for Every Day Living
Are you looking to understand and expand your own Spiritual Gifts?
We are a community of Lightworkers, Empaths & Intuitives exploring monthly topics to help you uncover more of your Spiritual Path.
New Topics Each Month
New theme each month to help you connect with your own Journey & Spiritual Gifts. Weekly Lives & Guidebooks!

Weekly Energy Work
Each week receive Energy Work around that week's topic to support you healing, expanding and aligning with your own Divine Purpose.

Lightworker's Library
Gain access to over 80 past Classes & Guidebooks that you can come back to again and again!

Online Community
Your Soul Family is waiting for you in our Online Community, to cheer you on & encourage your own path.
As an Empath & Intuitive you know that you are meant for more.
You know that feeling that you are here for a reason?
That "knowing" that there is something inside of you that is just waiting to be uncovered & embraced?
But knowing where to start can be daunting! Don't worry, the Lightworker's Code is here to support YOU.
We are a community using Spiritual Tools in every day living. You can have your goals and dreams and use your Intuition and Spiritual Gifts to create them with more ease & joy.
This is about Wholeness.
Taking the practical, the emotional & the spiritual and creating a life that honors who you authentically are.
When you join you get instant access to Previous Month's Content like below!
Our membership is going into its 3rd year and we have such a beautiful library to support you, whether you are a beginner or have been working in the spiritual realm for years.

Akashic Records & Your Soul's Blueprint
Learn how to Open Your Own Past Life Records & Explore the Blueprint Your Soul has for this Lifetime.

Soul Lineages
Explore the Soul Lineages that you come from & how these Lineages are here to serve and have a greater impact.

Working with the Angelic Realm
Explore the ways that Angels can support your daily life & your own spiritual growth.